Reflecting on the Journey’s Module

Andrew Wilcox
2 min readJan 25, 2021


At the start of the journey’s module, my ambition was push hard on the speculative part of the design process because I had put greater emphasis on idea refinement in previous modules. For stage 3 as a whole, my ambition was to create a portfolio of work that would be relevant to design studios that do branding work.

I think I can be pleased with what I did in the Journey’s module. It was not my best module in terms of focus and productivity if I am being critical of myself, but from a positive perspective, I persevered and fulfilled some of my ambitions for the module. In that, I pushed myself to explore playful and speculative design routes, and projects that would be relevant for my portfolio. While not fully realising those ambitions in terms of researching and defining an audience.

I think my research was solid and instigated speculative design responses, but as was mentioned in my feedback, I needed to go back to the discovery stage and define an audience. I also agree that my projects could’ve been more varied than branding or campaign outcomes.

Overall I think what would’ve really helped me more than anything was writing these reflection journals. Taking a step back is something I really struggle with, but I want to persevere with this in the final module.

For destinations, my ambition is to create a portfolio of work that is relevant to a branding studio. I think after visiting San Francisco and seeing the various visiting lecturers this is where I can see myself going. I the business side of design as much as the creative side. I would also like to see if I can develop relationships with studios in the Bristol/Bath area as I’m perfectly placed to take advantage of opportunities there.

