Idea Deactivism

Andrew Wilcox
2 min readMar 2, 2021


After speaking to everyone in my strategy team, it was clear that they liked the Coors Light ‘right to disconnect’ idea the best, and they thought that I could borrow insights from the other ideas. Jess suggested that I could take the brand into the activism realm by making it about deactivism. Choosing to disengage from the world’s problems to take a moment to pause. I like this because its the polar opposite of what other brand’s are doing in the activism field where they ask people to engage more. Coors Light could create a nice foil against that. It would have to be clear that its not a switch off for good, but a way of escaping that activist mind-set.

There is just the question of defining what deactivism is. Is it the people who wish to totally disengage as act of self-care and wellness, or is it the people who want to put their foot down with work and the ‘always on’ culture? For those who wish to deactivate, then that means the chill moment is about complete disengagement, whereas using the chill moment as act of defiance is still participating in the on world. Therefore, perhaps the campaign should be about adopting an attitude you can follow now in the ‘always on’ culture without needing state intervention to make that a reality. I think this would also stay truer to the brief, which talks about ‘universal moments’ that everyone can relate too, because if the campaign is talking about a broad ‘right to disconnect’ as its primary point the individual could get lost in that.

I think it is clear then, that a deactivist attitude that is about completely disengaging from the world is best route forward as it can focus on the personal ‘universal moments’ more organically. It also positions the brand in opposition to activism, in that it is in opposition to all of the ‘always on’ culture. Where the deactivist withdraws from the world temporarily. My other insights into gratitude and fatigue can also come into play as well. Part of switching off is deactivating the big picture and appreciating the small things in life, and letting people see the extent of their activity enables them to feel like they deserve a break.

I had a sign-up with Steve he really liked the idea of making a deactivism manifesto, and I’m currently focused on the copy-writing to bring this deactivism ideology too life. He suggested checking out the Idler magazine, and I found a book that magazine has wrote. I‘m currently reading it and its really helping to see into the mindset.

